Tamil girl Padma Priya is from Chennai, Tamilnadu. She is doing her third-year undergraduation course in B.A. Economics. Padma Priya’s native place is a small village in Trichy next to Manaparai. She has come a long way from her home-town to Chennai for studies and staying in Women’s hostel in Vadapalani. Her aim is to do M.A. Economics in Madras University or Annamalai University. More than Chennai, She likes her home-town manaparai and her favourite spot is Ponnaniyar Dam, which was built recently across the two Kadavur Basin Hills. Padma likes the place because you can enjoy nature there as it will be very cool and the climate will be always cloudy with the freezing wind from the reservoir. It will give a hill-station feeling for anyone who visits that place.
At present her friends are helping her in Chennai and also Padma Priya is doing some part time jobs in Chennai and work-at-home jobs for her expenditure. This beautiful tamil girl Padma priya in blue and red chudihar with long hair style, has sent us her pics for making as many as good friends to speak and share her thoughts.
I can help her as far as I can for education without any expectation. But it is only for education. Mail me at r.suresh2k9@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am also from Chennai. I can help her for education purpose without any expectation. But only for education purpose. Mail me at r.suresh2k9@gmail.com
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